Calista.GIF (11193 bytes)



Calista Flockhart

NameOrigin: Named after Great-Grandmother
Birthdate: 1965
Hometown: Freeport, Illinois
University: Rutgers University, New Jersey
Name Means:
[In Greek] it means 'most beautiful.
Her Dog: Webster

  Calista was born in Freeport, Illinois.   Her mother Kay, was a school teacher, and her father, Ronald, worked for Kraft Foods Inc.  
She lived in rural Iowa, Minnesota, and New York. She then moved to New Jersey during High School.  After High School she attended Rutgers University in New Jersey, and studied acting.  After College she worked in regional theatre in Cleveland, Louisville, Chicago, and Houston for $400 for eight weeks of work..
  Three years ago she got her first Broadway role playing Laura in Tennessee Williams' "The Glass Menagerie."   She's also played in an all-star production of Chekhov's "The Three Sisters." playing Natasha.
  She wasn't too fond of TV before Ally McBeal, but did take part in a 1992 episode of the HBO series Life Stories: Families in Crisis. She did take part in many movies, among them is the remake of "The Birdcage". Calista played the fiancée of Robin Williams's son.
   She makes her television debut in this series. She most recently appeared on Broadway as the evil and narcissis
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